Always do What You Should Do Privacy Overview

We value your data security and privacy at In order to provide you a wonderful shopping experience and ensure that the goods you order reach their destination, we gather and process some personal data. This Privacy Overview will highlight key sections of our policy and provide information on the types of data we gather, how we collect it, and why. Additionally, it will outline your rights regarding your data and the demands you can make of us regarding it.

Data collected by Adwysd Clothing

Personal information gathered while registering with Adwysd Clothing We obtain certain personal information when you register for an account on Adwysd Clothing, enter your email address to follow artists, or establish a guest account while checking out. This information is used to remember your preferences, provide you with the appropriate Merch Alert messages, and streamline the checkout process. This is the category for Registration Information that our Privacy Policy’s section 2.1 discusses.

Data about you that is obtained by using the Adwysd Clothing app and website: When you explore the Adwysd Clothing website, We get information about your usage, including the pages you have visited and the things you have placed to your cart.

Personal information gathered at the point of sale We obtain your Shipping and Payment Information in order to process orders you place on Adwysd Clothing and to get in touch with you regarding any problems. This is addressed in our Privacy Policy’s sections 2.3 and 2.4 as well as in section 2.

Why is this personal information gathered and used by Adwysd Clothing?

We collect and use your personal data for the following reasons:

to complete your orders and send you the goods

to assist you in finding the things you might be interested in buying and to customize your experience with Adwysd Clothing

to keep an eye on the Adwysd Clothing website’s technical operation by studying your usage patterns and using that data to improve Adwysd Clothing

to reply to customer concerns, offer technical assistance, and get in touch with you with Adwysd Clothing-related matters like order receipts and delivery alerts;

to stop deception or possibly unlawful actions

in order to uphold our terms of service

to inform users of Adwysd Clothing updates

Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, sometimes known as the “GDPR,” people have the rights listed below with their personal data, as long as they are available and not prohibited by relevant legislation. Please contact us at or review our Privacy Policy if you have any more queries. Access your personal information the right to know what personal information we process about you and to request access to it. Update your personal information. the right to request that any incomplete or erroneous personal information we may have about you be updated or amended. Limit how your personal information is used. the ability to ask that we cease processing all or part of your personal data, either permanently or temporarily. Oppose the use of your personal information the ability to object to our processing of your personal data where there is no longer a requirement for us to do so legally or legitimately. Disapprove of direct marketing the ability to object to the processing of your personal information for direct marketing. Oppose automated decision-making The right to be free from decisions that are made exclusively by automated processes, such as profiling, if those decisions will legally affect you or have a similarly big impact. Transfer your personal information The option to obtain a copy of your personal data

How do I manage the personal information that Adwysd Clothing uses?

To utilize any of these rights pertaining to your personal data, please reach out to us.